
Maritime Legends

Posted by Ocean Racing on

The Greeks were sailors back in ancient times and their heritage is celebrated today. As sailors, we honor Odysseus and his journey back home. We view our Ithaca through performance sunglasses. We are in the Sailors are sentimental about home; at the same time longing for the open ocean. When we are locked into the daily grind of our responsibilities we long for the work of the sea. It is not easy being in an office, staring at a computer with a cup of lukewarm coffee in hand and the smell of musty air. The emotionally landlocked feeling of having to live like an ant in an ant farm, the endless stripmalls and streaming entertainment. The infrastructure designed to funnel and force individuals into straight lines, angles and engineered circles.


The water holds none of the conforming attributes that modern society is so fond of. The sea is has never been seen in its entirety , at least not by a single person. Most of us try but the vastness makes one feel like an insignificant part of the world, and it is the natural world that always is victorious. Ask the Colossus of Rhodes, the one time guardian of Rhodes harbor who was toppled into the sea and swallowed, never to be seen again. The sheer number of lives lost to the sea is beyond comprehension, weeping loved ones ashore.


Maritime legend is rich and filled with stories of death and survival. It is the epic, elemental dichotomy between earth and water. We choose the sea. At Ocean Racing we are sailors, racers and makers of the finest sailing specific sunglasses. We manufacture accessories with the ocean in mind, sailcloth bags, waterproof luggage and performance sailing shirts. Please take a moment to check out our storefront and become part of the maritime legend that is Ocean Racing. 

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