I sail...a lot. When I am not with my family or working, I am sailing. When I am not sailing I am maintaining my sailboat and socializing with fellow sailors. I also sail small boats.
The result is that I am on and around the water a great deal and with it the glare of the sun. With fair skin and light colored eyes, I don't go out - ever - without sun screen or my Maui Jims.
I discovered Maui Jims while sailing out of Simpson Bay, St. Maarten. I was using Ray-Bans and my eyes were suffering. I went through every pair of glasses on the island until I found Maui Jims. My eyes were finally safe, happy.
Over the years, I've worn and lost Maui Jims in various places around the world. Each time a sting of loss because I value them and because of their replacement cost. Fellow sailors, picking up on my devotion, eventually became acolytes of MJs themselves. Finally, after my last loss in a squall, I looked for an alternative.
I can't believe that Ocean Racing exists.
Being transparent, I resignedly thought I would give them a try, pre-disposed to being ready to toss them into the back of the navigation locker when they failed to measure up. They are not there - but have been worn by me every day since I got them.
My first thought upon opening them was, "not bad" but the real test came while sailing and the ultimate compliment to be paid for shades - I asked my crew, "have you seen my shades?" They all laughed - yep - I was wearing them and didn't notice.
I only wear bronze/copper color, rimless, lightweight glasses with superior lens technology. This allows me a full field of vision and leaves intact full peripheral sight, something I consider indispensable when sailing. I am able to detect changes in water, wave and sky - which has kept me and my family and friends safe many times. Unimpeded vision speaks for itself when that extra split second of visual ability saves you from a swinging boom or a broaching competitor. I wear shades even on cloudy days - your eyes function better with them. The only company that so far delivered this combo was MJ - and I was happy to pay their price, that is, until I found OR.
Not only are the ORs a match for MJ's but I think that they are lighter, even more comfortable.
Hard to believe that OR can deliver this level of competency, excellence for a super realistic price. I'd dive after MJs because of their price, now I'll dive after OR's because they are a part of me.
I don't care about looks - just performance - I am damned lucky that ORs look so good that other sailors ask me - "hey, what are you wearing?" My answer, "the best shades made, ever."